Saturday, January 21, 2012

Thoughts to run with...

On a recent run with a friend we got to talking about discipline and accountability in relation to running. I thought the conversation was worth sharing...

It takes a certain kind of discipline to show up for work on time each day. You're boss is expecting you to be there.  It takes the same kind of discipline to show up prepared for school each morning.  Your teacher will be taking attendance and your parents will be expecting you bring home a passing grade.

But what about when no one is watching, waiting, or expecting anything of you?  When you have no one to impress or let down other than yourself? When the alarm goes off on a cold and uninviting morning and there is nothing awaiting you but the dark and empty streets, and still you rise, you dress, and you run. This takes another kind of discipline all together.

Running is one of the few things that we do exclusively for ourselves. Our goals are personal and our failures and accomplishments are as well. The choice to continue running or to put our shoes in the closet for the last time is entirely our own. And we own it entirely.

Whether we are responsible for raising a child or caring for someone in our lives, depended upon by a boss, or relied on by a friend, our ability to "come through" for others is directly related to our ability to "come through" for ourselves.  And every run is an opportunity to do just that.

Just a few thoughts to run with....

More on our weekly group runs, some upcoming races in and around Portland, and the progress we've made on our 2012 goals coming soon.

Happy running from X-City